
I took a writing class somewhere in the 80s. The teacher said, “Practice, practice, practice.” I’ve been writing ever since but never made much of a commitment until now. I’ve committed to “write something every. single. day. for at least one year.” I started a little before July 12, 2019 but I’m calling that the official starting date and you might notice, two days from there are missing. (replacements have since been added.) They were just too darned personal to leave published. So, somewhere along the line, I should add in two to replace them — don’t you think?
Since I and Ms. SpoolTeacher are one in the same and sometime the writing is in either person, this page will continue the branding of the thread of the narrative that is Ms. Jackie (of all trades) SpoolTeacher’s simple life.
There are two other websites she works on:
SpoolTeacher — (sewing)
**Update: 02.26.2020 I have failed the every.single.day. commitment largely due to being highly dissatisfied with what was being produced in panic mode even though it was great fun and stimulating — so will now post when the spirit moves me or whatever.